Thursday, November 03, 2005 |
I am a Pro-Choice Christian |
The results are in, I have weighed carefully both sides of this heavily debated topic and decided- I am pro-choice. I think that the choice should be made to always carry the child to term and either keep it or put it up for adoption. I am definitely for that choice.
Some of you are saying, "Rose, that is not the pro-choice stance!" And I say, why not? Why does the left side of this argument get to use a euphemistic term when debating and the right side just comes out says "Pro-Life"? If they are really pro-choice then why do people from Planned Parenthood try to talk teenage girls into getting abortions rather than keeping the baby? If they really are pro-choice they would have their political stance and let doctors deal with patients.
There is a real problem for them if they do this though: statistics have shown that women who have abortions are more likely to suffer from depression, have dreams that their dead child comes to visit them, and can actually develop Post Traumatic Stress. Therefore, no doctor (except abortion clinic doctors) would recommend that their patient have an abortion except for those cases of rape, incest, or health risk to the mother- and those cases were allowed prior to Roe vs. Wade.
Within our current court system, our president has been appointing Supreme Court justices that are heavily conservative. In the midst of all of this there has been much discussion about Robert's and Alito's stance on Roe v. Wade and would they, if given the chance, overturn the decision. Dr. Keith Drury pointed out in one of his Tuesday columns ( that even if Roe v. Wade was overturned the states still have to make the decision- and that is exactly right. But that is where the decision should have been left, it should have never become a federal matter and the only reason it did was because liberals know that most states wouldn't allow it (if you don't believe that take a look sometime of a "red state/blue state" map of the U.S.).
The reason I am pro-choice is that as long as the left does not have to say they are "pro-abortion" we can all state that we are pro-choice. Howard Dean made this infinitely clear in his interview with Chris Matthews- he could not/would not state that the Democratic Party is the Party of abortion. For that reason the right is as much pro-choice as the left; we simply chose life, again and again. What is their choice? |
posted by D.M. @ 7:36 AM  |
Good job pointing out the fact that federal matters should not have been involved in this decision. Great job showing the aspects of the "Planned Parenthood" bull crud as they DO encourage abortion (my fiance, being a socialist major, can definitely confirm this). Doctor's would definitely recommend that women not get abortions except for specific cases as you mentioned; I think more people should watch "Silent Scream" seeing as how it shows an actual in vivo embryo apparently yelling and thrashing during a scoped abortion. Scary stuff. I do think, however, that this paper could be severely expanded upon and felt that it should maybe have a bit of a sequel. As a doctor, I will tell people getting abortions those health risks you mentioned not to mention the health risk of the "operation" (or assasination) itself. Love you, good job.
P.S.: Never post my cell again on a blog site, you dolt.
The left 'doesn't have to say they are pro-abortion'? Ummm, yeah but most of us do. No problem. I'm pro-abortion. While there are much easier, less invasive methods of birth control, which we all fully advocate, sometimes those methods fail. If we don't want to get stuck suckling your offspring, then we women have abortion as our last line of protection, and we'll use it whether it's legally available to us or not. If you guys hate it so much, stop putting up such a fuss about wearing a condom.
It's not just guys that hate abortion Sandra. I'm a woman, and a child of the 60's. It baffles me that so many people have more tolerance and compassion toward terrorists who desire to wipe us from the face of the earth than they do for the children of their own wombs. Because we allow the killing of our weakest members, we have created a culture of death that permeates society. It extends beyond the womb. If you are having a hard time understanding man's inhumanity to man, look inside yourself and understand that you have contributed by agreeing that killing for the sake of convenience is acceptable.
As anymous said the "culture of death" permeates our society and few people realize the real agenda of the founder of Planned Parenthood. Their agenda goes far beyond abortions, (which is their modern version of human sacrifice), but extends to euthenasia and ridding the earth of the sick, aged and the mentally and physically disabled.
I'm going to go out on a limb here. I like the fact that Christians and conservatives want to pass legislation in the government to limit, if not eradicate, the possibility to have an abortion. I myself think abortion is wrong under any and all circumstances. But I don't think the government ruling to outlaw abortion is going to save our society. Christians fight every step our nation takes towards "freedom of choice" when all along they are fighting the wrong fight! We exhaust more dollars and time worrying about the state of our country and less time worrying about the state of people's souls all around us! The reality of the situation is that the Church (that's right all of us) has FAILED to impact the society it was meant to influence! Now we are taking it out on people who look on as we fight a battle that isn't worth fighting. So the limb I propose walking on? Let us put down our arms and watch carefully the state of our country as we adopt a new approach to the problem. What could we possibly do differently? I'll tell you. But first i'll point out what we haven't done. We haven't been training our families to know and fear the Lord. We have failed to pass on to our children what past generations made sure we knew. Now we look at our society and forget what family even looks like. Everywhere you look we are segmented and cut off from true relationships with others! I propose we stop fighting this battle that is going no where. Am I saying we shouldn't be concerned with what is going on in our culture? Of course not! You should be VERY concerned as to what is influencing your family. I propose that we pick up where we have left off and raise our families once again to fear the Lord God of Heaven. I propose that we raise up a generation of children that will have integrity and values. The only problem is, we ourselves don't have much of this. So what I am proposing is that we, the Church, get honest with ourselves and repent of our sins. That we turn back to God, raise our children to fear the Lord, and pray for God to have His way with our nation, not our way! God's word states that "if My people will turn from their sins, then I will forgive their sins and restore the nation."
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Name: D.M.
Home: Overland Park, Kansas, United States
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Good job pointing out the fact that federal matters should not have been involved in this decision. Great job showing the aspects of the "Planned Parenthood" bull crud as they DO encourage abortion (my fiance, being a socialist major, can definitely confirm this). Doctor's would definitely recommend that women not get abortions except for specific cases as you mentioned; I think more people should watch "Silent Scream" seeing as how it shows an actual in vivo embryo apparently yelling and thrashing during a scoped abortion. Scary stuff. I do think, however, that this paper could be severely expanded upon and felt that it should maybe have a bit of a sequel. As a doctor, I will tell people getting abortions those health risks you mentioned not to mention the health risk of the "operation" (or assasination) itself. Love you, good job.
P.S.: Never post my cell again on a blog site, you dolt.