Monday, February 13, 2006 |
Christianity: The Man's Call to Fight |
This post has been on my mind for several weeks now and I have just let the idea set and percolate so that it will be fully ripe when addressed. Now, nearing spring it is time for the men among my readers to act on what it is I have to say and for the women to help hold them accountable: for God's sake, grow a pair. Seriously, or remember that you do have a pair. One of the two, it is up to you which needs to be done.
Let me explain. Recently a study was done that asked men who, among actors, did they most desire to be like. Overwhelmingly, the answer was John Wayne and Harrison Ford. Men's men. Warriors. Cowboys. Men of hard integrity and action.
It is now, in this moment that the reader should note that Heath Ledger (a cowboy of another persuasion) was not listed.
Let's not get lost in that last statement though because it was only a "for instance". What needs to be focused on though is the small but dangerous and growing movement of Christian pacifism/socialism/liberalism that is steadily gaining acceptance because of their championing the cry that their stance is "real Christianity" and anyone who disagrees has no compassion and is simply a member of popular "North American" Christianity (translation, they think we are a bunch of unthinking, rich, spoiled Americans who have not been exposed to reality).
Most prominent at this time is the subject of pacifism. Statements such as, "Real men walk away," and, "Didn't Jesus say to turn the other cheek?" and- my personal favorite-, "Pacifism is harder than fighting," abound and are accepted because of the theological guilt trip placed upon those who would disagree. Christians should not start fights because we are to live at peace as far as it is up to us. However, should a fight come looking for you the Bible seems to advocate finishing what was started (I even feel timirous to say for the sheer number of vitriolic notes a e-mails I will get regarding it). If it is a cause worth dying for it is a cause worth fighting for. Let us take a look at Biblical example: Exodus 32: 25-29 has the Levites go throughout their own camp and kill anyone- brothers, fathers, and sons included- who are against the Lord, I Kings chapter 18 has it that Elijah cut through the prophets of Baal like so much grass, II Kings shows Jehu killing seventy of Ahab's children and smashing the altars to Baal, and we could go on and on. The point is though that throughout the Bible it would seem that those who come against the Lord in force or by disobedience are killed by the sword or curse (take a look at Acts because, yep, it happens there too). Hence why the mere thought or mention of pacifism being the litmus test for a "true Christian" irritates me to no end.
This new movement is simply more of the feminization of Christianity and I am calling their bluff. It is simply more of an attempt to remove any sense of competition or war from a book that is chalk full of it. Many of these pacifists also argue that the Bible advocates socialism and the redistribution of wealth- "Because it just isn't fair that some people have more than others, Devin." Really? Where is it promised in the Bible or anywhere else that life is to be fair? Hmmmm?
One last thought: pacifism is not harder than fighting. Period. I would gladly die today because that would mean: a. no more pain and suffering for me; b. I would get to see my Lord; and c. this life is hard. How is it harder to give up than it is to struggle on for those you love? What, you say? "Christ gave up and died for us, was he a sissy?!" No, Christ was not a sissy, he fought for us the best way He could, by redeeming us and defeating hell- do you, by your death plan to redeem someone? That might be difficult, since, you know, you aren't Jesus (I guarantee that someone, even though I addressed it, will use this argument).
Pacifism is for those who will not do their duty to protect those who are under attack or cannot protect themselves. If God blessed you with money you should help those without, if He blessed you with spiritual understanding then teach those who do not understand, if He made you strong then protect those who are weak. Pacifism means that you are like Neville Chamberlain waiting for the Germans to pounce on London.
Agree or disagree with me, it does not matter. I will no longer tolerate advocates for a feminized Christianity- it is time for men to be men and stop acting like a bunch of women. |
posted by D.M. @ 10:45 AM  |
Devin, I think you paint too broad of strokes with your generalization of pacifism. There are obviously different strands of pacifism; liberal pacifism, christological pacifism, etc. Second, you utilize mostly Old Testament passages and only give a vague reference to a place in Acts. I'm not sure that abdicating N.T. support helps your case. Third, you assume that pacifists attempt to remove war from the Bible but I think it's tricker than that. I sense that certain strands of pacifism could actually be trying to imitate Jesus's new ethic that perfected the Old Testament's moral codes. Finally, I suppose that by your standards Jesus was a woman because he chose to die on a cross rather than redeem the world through violence.
Your post helped me see a connection that I must write about.... thanks. As you know I like the "real gritty men" stuff... but also am drawn to pacificm in my head--though in the flesh I'd like to kill off a whole list of folk I think the world would be a better place without. In this I am (in the flesh) a lot more like the Fundamentalist Moslems than Christians... ;-)
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Name: D.M.
Home: Overland Park, Kansas, United States
About Me: I've lived at least 5 years in the last two but come out. After trials of fire and flame we are marching on and if we don't take the world we'll sure as heck die trying.
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I think you paint too broad of strokes with your generalization of pacifism. There are obviously different strands of pacifism; liberal pacifism, christological pacifism, etc. Second, you utilize mostly Old Testament passages and only give a vague reference to a place in Acts. I'm not sure that abdicating N.T. support helps your case. Third, you assume that pacifists attempt to remove war from the Bible but I think it's tricker than that. I sense that certain strands of pacifism could actually be trying to imitate Jesus's new ethic that perfected the Old Testament's moral codes. Finally, I suppose that by your standards Jesus was a woman because he chose to die on a cross rather than redeem the world through violence.