Tuesday, December 20, 2005 |
Offending Others With Christmas |
 During my undergraduate work I was having a conversation with a certain prof and began to express my concern with political correctness to which he quickly retorted, "Look, it is a small price to pay to get our message across,” I think not.
This year has been the year of the "Happy Holidays" battle. There are some stores and corporations who refuse to use the term "Christmas" in anything. There are "holiday trees", "holiday songs", "holiday breaks", and, of course, "happy holidays". I know that it is impolite to point fingers (a rule made up by guilty parties, no doubt) but I think that it is necessary. This is the left's attempt to remove anything that smacks of absolute truths, God, or "closed mindedness". The best case that in recent history is the capitol's "Holiday Tree" that was, this year, changed back to the Christmas tree.
To the best of my knowledge, no other holiday uses pine trees and the school systems do not plan their "Winter Breaks" around Hanukah. Christmas is celebrated by better than 85% of Americans, why does fifteen percent of the population attempt to dictate to the rest of us what will be done regarding our holiday? If they don't believe in Jesus and want to celebrate His birth, that is too bad and I pray for their conversion but do not tell me what to call our holiday.
The reality of political correctness is that it simply attempts to change the titles of things in order to make them seem better. They wish they could actually make the thing what they want but since they cannot they settle with re-titling it every few years. For instance, children with down-syndrome used to be called "retarded", then it was "mentally handicapped", then that was found to be too offensive so it was changed to "mentally challenged". Let me let you in on a little secret- they all meant the same thing.
The reason they are offended is because they cannot handle truth. They hate it that some people have dark skin and some have white, they hate it that their are fat people and skinny people, that some are rich and some are poor, that some believe in nothing and that most believe in God, they hate truth. If these people could they would make us all the same so no one would be offended by whatever ridiculous thing they find to cry about next. The irony of all this is that these same people claim to love "diversity". Yeah, sure you do. At least I can admit there are differences.
Change all the language you want but it does not change what the thing is- the essence of it. Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ- say "Happy Holidays" all you want while "Silent Night" plays in the background and your pine tree twinkles with lights. God forbid the ACLU ever gets educated and learns that the term "holiday" means "holy day" then it would be atheists only who this season "offends"- everyone else gets Christmas, Hanukah, and Quansa why can't the atheist have something? |
posted by D.M. @ 8:31 AM  |
Friday, December 02, 2005 |
Capitalism, the Hope of the Poor |
I usually abhor sequels but over the past few years the film industry has really done a much better job not pandering to the "encore effect" left by the first film. Today, I will attempt to do the same.
It would seem that more than a few individuals took exception to what I said last week (if you want to read some view the comments in "Invasion of the Mindsnatchers") and I would like to address my critics and my fans- maybe some of both will switch camps.
On more than a couple of occasions, in the short time-line of this blog, I have blasted the ideas underlying liberation theology. Continually I will get responses from those from this camp, the liberals, and some Democrats referencing Acts 2, Matt. 25, and other passages. They ask, "Devin, how can you be so judgmental, heartless, and uncaring?" I answer simply that I am not. I don't like to bring personal experience up in theology because I think that people are then simply looking for an emotional response to a head and spirit issue. However, I do community service, if I see someone begging I go and buy them dinner (really, ask my wife), I think soup kitchens, and faith-based aid are great things- BUT no economy will survive on socialist ideal.
The reason liberation theology will never work is that it basis itself on Marxism and is a dinosaur left over from the glory days of the USSR. The underlying thinking is that if we take from the rich and give to the poor then everyone will have the same amount. This is a false idea.
First, let us look at the U.S. economy. Despite certain political parties screaming that the end is near (referencing oil prices and the drop in the DOW), we are an economic upswing. Our average household income is higher, unemployment is the lowest (to my knowledge) of anywhere in the world (4%), and small businesses are doing great- due to new tax cuts not increased taxes.
Now, swivel your head to the right of the globe (Europe) and zoom in on Germany and France, the two countries who are the most anti-American in the UN and who are most often held up as an "example of progress" by the left. How is their unemployment, oh, between 30-40%? How is their "tolerance", oh, Muslims are rioting because they feel "oppressed"? How is their nation healthcare, oh, floundering? Gee, that whole socialism thing is failing AGAIN. Why is it that liberation theology (A.K.A. socialism, Marxism, communism) wants to bang its head against the same wall as Russian, France, Germany, Cuba, China, and Korea? They all failed. Oh, some of you don't believe it? Let's look at each one: Russia- no longer exists. France and Germany- I addressed that. Cuba- why do all their people risk life and limb to sail seventy miles on crappy boats to come to the U.S.? China- don't they oppress Christians, martyr, and maim them? Korea- same deal. Wow, you were right, socialism DOES work.
Now, why do I go to all this trouble of explaining the economics and anti-Christian stances behind all of these countries? Because I care for the poor in a better way than you (the left) do. When there are more jobs those who are poor can more easily find employment, there is more money then going into charity (when the economy is up people give more), there is also more money coming in from taxes (come on true leftists, you should LOVE that) which means more money to the welfare, Medicaid, Medicare, and food stamps systems, and more money in tithing so churches can send missionaries to all of these oppressed nations you claim you love so much.
Really, if you believe in liberation theology, you should seek to overthrow oppressive dictatorships in South America, the Phillippines, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, and Cuba so that their people can thrive by working and bringing money into their country.
Idealistically, you (the left) have a wonderful plan- really, I am not being sarcastic. However, in reality, my stance is more practical and therefore, better. Yes, everyone should be a Christian, sell all of their possessions and give to the poor- but they're not and never will be. I really want to help the poor and do as much as I can- now, think about, do you? |
posted by D.M. @ 7:16 AM  |
"Memento Mori."- Remeber that you will also die. |
Saying what needs to be said but everyone is afraid to say. |
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Name: D.M.
Home: Overland Park, Kansas, United States
About Me: I've lived at least 5 years in the last two but come out. After trials of fire and flame we are marching on and if we don't take the world we'll sure as heck die trying.
See my complete profile
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After one of the most difficult ministry years of my life I made it back to another fall. I hope my posts find you well and encourage thought and discussion. |
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