Tuesday, April 18, 2006 |
The Roofless House |

If you scroll down my blog page and take a look over to the right side you will note that I have linked some one who has entitled themselves "religious right". I have done this for two reasons: first, to prove to everyone out there that I am not the most right-wing, conservative, Republican out there; two, to actually make a point through this piece. If you wish, take a break from reading this piece, visit his site, then come back and finish this piece- you will better appreciate it.
Religous Right Come on- I even linked him here for you;)
Welcome back. For those of you who did not take me up on my offer, you should, but, to make a long story short, this particular individual thinks that the GOP is God's party, that all abortionists should be killed, and that all Old Testament Law is still, very much, still in effect. Why? Because of the verse where Christ states that not the least stroke of the pen would be negated because of His teachings and such. Therefore, we should not eat pork, shave our beards, wear mixed fabrics, meet on Sundays, get ear piercing, tattoos, drink alcohol (he equates all drinking with drunkenness) and all of the rest of the 3,700 odd laws laid out by the religious elders.
Out of perverse curiosity I wrote to the author and asked if he believed that Muslims would go to heaven since they obey the law but deny Christ sacrifice and resurrection- he stated that due to their obedience of the law and fear of God they would.
While this is all terribly interesting many of you are wondering what my point is. My point is that this author and others like him (some Christians) have missed entirely the point of legalism and of the Law. Allow me to steal an example from a friend and mentor of mine, Clark. Life is a lot like being in the midst of a storm in which rain is pelting you (rain drops being problems). If you subscribe only to legalism and the Law that is fine, they will protect from some types of drops and protect you well from those types of drops but they let many others through. However, if we view the Law biblically (Pauline epistles) then the Law becomes our teacher with which we build an umbrella. It is the concept not the rule itself that is the point.
Some of you disagree, don't you? I can hear you mumbling and plotting your responses from my terminal. Think about it though. This is precisely what Christ taught. Go to the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. 5, 6, 7). Here Jesus says repeatedly, "You have heard it said... but I say to you...". What adultery really means is not lusting, what stealing really is, covetousness, etc. This was the fulfillment of the law. Before it was simply pillars with no ceiling- the pillars blocked a little bit of the rain but when we see what holds them up then we see the true intent of the pillars- not to block the rain but to support the roof.
As Christians we should look to the Old Testament as just that, a testament to what God did in and through a certain group of people in a certain place. Yet the end story is not about that group of people or the laws God gave them but the fulfillment of His plan through His Son's sacrifice. To accept Christ's mission but ignore His purpose is to accept eternal life without ever knowing how to live this one.
My question to my legalistic, Law-abiding friends is this: have you thrown out the roof to seek cover under the pillars?
*I am not/was not attempting to provide an ad hominem, vitriolic diatribe against the site I linked but simple provide an example of the dangers of thinking that way*
posted by D.M. @ 1:24 PM  |
"Memento Mori."- Remeber that you will also die. |
Saying what needs to be said but everyone is afraid to say. |
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Name: D.M.
Home: Overland Park, Kansas, United States
About Me: I've lived at least 5 years in the last two but come out. After trials of fire and flame we are marching on and if we don't take the world we'll sure as heck die trying.
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