Tuesday, May 02, 2006 |
The Thief Church and Law-Abiding Rapist |
 Over the past years it has become painfully obvious to me why I have left many of the beliefs that I held in high school: because under careful scrutiny, prayer, and logic I have noticed that my early beliefs did not line up across the board. Let us take the banal example of abortion- everyone talks about it and everyone thinks they are right BUT... using a gross generalization we can state that most pro-abortionist are liberal and, in being liberal, are also environmentalist. Environmentalist, over the years have pushed for it to become a felony for someone to destroy an eagle egg. Okay, the eagles are endangered and I am okay with that- where this falls apart for them is that if you destroy an egg isn't that about the same as an abortion?
Thus the problem with our society becomes readily apparent. We can hold knowledge and even understanding without being able to apply those things to caustic thinking. i.e. "If a happens, then b naturally follows".
Glaring error number two: the church's recent struggle over homosexuality. Some churches boot them out others ordain them- marring the line between loving the sinner and hating the sin to where the sin no longer exists. Proponents of this move often site how in the Bible times homosexuality was considered a sin because it was love between a man and boy, not two consenting adults. Maybe.
However, isn't this like me saying that the Bible condemns stealing but never says anything about copyright theft of software. So I go out, steal my software, sell the ripped copy for dirt cheap and make millions, then go out and form the Thief Church where we support and ordain those who steal- as long as they don't steal like those in biblical times.
Yesterday, May 1st, was the protest of all illegal immigrants who want amnesty. They are protesting because they think they might be kicked out- as the law states they should. Whatever other issues lay here is pointless to my argument (though they would, no doubt, buttress it). The main issue is this, there is a group of people who, knowingly, committed a crime and now want the law which made the act illegal changed. Now THERE is a conflict of interests.
Next Monday there should be a protest put on by every rapist in the country stating that rape should be legalized and that they are being treated unfairly like criminals. If that happened though the government would swoop down and just nab all the rapist. Yesterday, a huge group of criminals came out and stated that they were criminals but CHANGE THE LAW NOW! Why didn't we go pick them up and ship them right back to where they came from- then bill all their countries for the expense.
The inability of the left (theologically and politically) to look at their beliefs in a cause and effect relationship is terrifying. I can shout all day long that socialism has been the downfall of every country who has tried it and they will still demand that the U.S. become socialist- because otherwise we aren't "compassionate". Reason and experience no longer hold place in their quadrilateral and they apply Scripture and Tradition throwing everything history has taught us to the wind. |
posted by D.M. @ 7:30 AM  |
"Memento Mori."- Remeber that you will also die. |
Saying what needs to be said but everyone is afraid to say. |
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Name: D.M.
Home: Overland Park, Kansas, United States
About Me: I've lived at least 5 years in the last two but come out. After trials of fire and flame we are marching on and if we don't take the world we'll sure as heck die trying.
See my complete profile
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