Thursday, November 30, 2006
ROTC- The Right Path
Ahhhh... for all of the cries I hear about, "What does Jerusalem have to do with Athens?" I certainly do see Athen's issues reflected throughout the blogoshpere of my peers. The overwhelming majority of who seem to have especially taken upon themselves the cause of Indiana Wesleyan University's newest addition: ROTC.While it won't shock any of my readers that I am in favor of the program I have felt a strong desire to weigh in on the issue. Once again, I find myself struggling to fathom how liberal (though they would no doubt want to be called something else as Christians) minds can work. To quote Jack Nicholson from the movie As Good As It Gets when he was asked, "How do you write women so well?" Nicholson responds, "I take a man, then I take away all reason and accountability." I have taken this advice with liberals and found- shockingly- this same premise applies. Allow me to show how this praxis is true in the left:

1. During the last Presidential race we all heard John Kerry stating, "Wrong war, wrong time, wrong place." Then we hear FROM THE LEFT that pulling out of Iraq may, "give the terrorists a sense of victory."- AP, mere weeks ago. Now the left controls the House and Senate and we are still waiting for their wisdom to shine through the "quagmire" of Iraq.

2. The value of human life. Libs love this term. They claim that they are against the war because it is killing our soldiers- hmmm.... okay, lowest causality of any war, ever; we disposed a genocidal dictator; are attempting to give their country back better and more democratic than before; providing more jobs... gee, I guess I'm just a glass-is-half-full kind of guy.Also to be noted: why are only soldier's lives valued and not unborn babies? Sorry, "fetus" (which is, of course, Latin for "baby").

3. The "Legislating of Morality" complaint. I sincerely hope to never hear this inane argument again. What is a law? A thing that tells people what they can or cannot legally do. Okay, therefore, you must believe that it is okay, beneficial, or providential to have those standards in place. Whether you make a law stating that abortion is okay and so is gay marriage or the polar opposite that law is based upon someone's moral compass (as close to a magnet as it may be).

Anyone, with any sense of history would be hard pressed to rationally hold the liberal’s company line- which really isn't a line anyway, it's more like a series of unconnected-special-interest-group strings.

So, now I shall turn onto the ROTC issue. The opponents of this particular move by IWU will gladly tell you that God not only calls people into the ministry to but to be doctors, cops, pharmacists, Wal-Mart workers (oh, right, liberals hate Wal-Mart so not that one), lawyers, and actors. Then, in the following breath they will speak against this "promotion of war" as one blogger put it.

Yes, God would not want us promoting war so let's get rid of doctors. Why doctors? You are promoting sickness, don't you know? Toss out the lawyers- they promote a racist, bureaucratic, system which depends upon people breaking the law. While we're at it we can chuck teachers because you are "promoting the illiteracy".

Personally, I want Christian cops and soldiers so that we do have some sense of higher morality and, maybe, even absolute truth in the midst of situations that may not be in God’s ideal will. The arguments against this on IWU's campus are only another example of liberal irrationality and "educationalism". See my below posts if you want to know more about at all that.
posted by D.M. @ 9:36 AM   11 comments
"Memento Mori."- Remeber that you will also die.
Saying what needs to be said but everyone is afraid to say.
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Name: D.M.
Home: Overland Park, Kansas, United States
About Me: I've lived at least 5 years in the last two but come out. After trials of fire and flame we are marching on and if we don't take the world we'll sure as heck die trying.
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After one of the most difficult ministry years of my life I made it back to another fall. I hope my posts find you well and encourage thought and discussion.

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